Costume & Moda Academy: Fabrics Day and Tessuteca
Raw materials count, count a lot. Indeed it makes a difference. Anytime, anywhere. That’s why for the fourth consecutive time the Costume & Fashion Academy has opened its doors to Fabrics Day, an event that allows students to come into direct contact with some of the most important textile companies and tanneries, excellence of Made in Italy in world.
Becoming more important from year to year, the direct relationship between the Academy and industry has enabled the achievement of ever greater educational results and has offered a myriad of creative stimuli to students.
Precisely from the need to make the importance of the raw material known, together with the Fabrics Day project, the Academy’s Tissue Library was created within the school – a real “library of fabrics”, also born thanks to the support of some of the companies taking part in the event: the Sordevolo Wool Mill, Ostinelli Seta, Gentili Mosconi and Alesilk.